
Here's what people are saying about Leigh's new short fiction collection, "Stained Shorts".

"Leigh Pierce is an extremely disturbed individual, which means he's my kind of author. 
     - Tim Dorsey, bestselling author of Florida Roadkill and Gator A-Go-Go         
"Reading 'Stained Shorts' is like watching my wife and Octamom give birth at the sametime.  On the one hand it is touching, heartwarming and life changing.  On the other hand, it is  unforgettably freaky graphic and disturbing. Leigh Pierce's ‘Stained Shorts’ are so 
entertaining that I read them in one evening."
      - Lloyd Kaufman, President of Troma Entertainment and Creator of The Toxic Avenger.

"Leigh Pierce writes with a clean and frightening prose that honestly captures the often surreal psychological brutality of characters staring over the edge of the void."
      - Jim Knipfel, author of Quitting the Nairobi Trio